Anything that has moving parts is likely to have maintenance needs in order to manage their performance, overall condition, and lifespan. Your vehicle requires specific maintenance during different times, depending on the make, model, and year, as well as its driving behavior and conditions. Your manual will offer some guidance as to what maintenance is due and when you should get it done. Typically, the maintenance is mostly dictated by the miles driven, but other conditions can impact your maintenance schedule. Today, we at Truck Town Auto Repair would like to further elaborate on the importance of vehicle maintenance.

Car Tune Up Maintenance

A series of maintenance procedures performed at a set time interval or when the vehicle has traveled a certain distance is a motor vehicle service or tune-up. The vehicle manufacturer will specify these time frames and in modern vehicles, the important due dates for the next service will electronically notify you on the instrument panel. Though a tune-up is often confused with an engine tuning, they are two separate maintenance services. The engine tuning is designed to modify and enhance the engine’s performance where a tune-up is designed to keep the engine running as it should. Optimally, the completed services are typically recorded in a service book which is rubber-stamped by the provider upon completion of each service. With a complete maintenance history, you can improve the resale value of your vehicle.

Auto Maintenance Schedule

The service schedule is based on impact parameters such as the distance traveled per day and number of trips, climate conditions, extreme hot or cold temperatures, de-iced, dusty, or mountainous roads, long-distance versus heavy stop and go, and/or if you tow a trailer or transport heavy loads. Common maintenance services include:
– Changing the engine’s oil.
– Oil filter replacements.
– Air and fuel filter replacements.
– Replacing the cabin filter.
– Replace worn spark plugs.
– Inspect and refill clutch/brake fluids.
– Replace any worn brake pads and liners as well as brake discs and drums after assessing them.
– Checking and refilling power steering fluid, automatic and manual transmission fluid.
– Lubricating applicable components.
– Evaluating the timing belt or chain and replace them if needed.
– Pressure and condition of the tires are checked.
– Ensure the lights, wipers, and other electronics are operational.
– Identify any Error Coders in the ECU and make corrections as needed.
– Utilize a scanning tool to read any trouble codes.

Car Tune Up, Vehicle Maintenance & More in Bremerton, Kitsap, King & Pierce County, Washington

During the inspection and maintenance services, you mechanic will check the performance of the various operations such as transmission. Should any defects or faults be found, they will advise you on the situation and offer optimal solutions to improve your vehicle’s efficiency and keep you safe. No matter if you are looking to get a full tune up or a simple oil change, maintenance is important, and the professionals of Truck Town Auto Repair is readily available to provide quality maintenance services to keep your vehicle fully functioning. Call us today to schedule your maintenance services.